Submitted by admin on Fri, 17/07/2015 - 10:57 GMT.
The team visiting Veiga de Luaces (Beealia)
Author: Pille Koorberg
The team of the Service Point from the European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI)
gathered in the city of Lugo to hold one of its meetings
from the 6th to the 10th of July. The presence in Lugo of
this advising and information service responds to the invitation
made by the researchers of the Land Laboratory (LaboraTe)
of the USC who are integrated in this team. The Service
Point is formed by a consortium of organizations related
to rural issues from Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany,
Estonia, France and Spain where the coordinating partner
is the Flemish Land Agency (VLM).
The USC participates in the Service Point through the technicians
of the LaboraTe, Quico Ónega, Beatriz Guimarey, Andrés García,
Marcos Boullón and Eduardo Corbelle who complete a team
of 24 persons from 10 different nationalities.
Every two months, the members of the Service Point meet
to plan and distribute activities and tasks. Nevertheless,
this is the first time since the Service Point is constituted
that these meetings take place outside Brussels. All the
member and managers of the team came to the USC facilities
of the Coordination Vice-Rectory Office in the campus of
Lugo (Casa do Saber) and the Land Laboratory.
In relation to the program for their stay in Lugo, the Service
Point dealt with issues of their ordinary agenda, which
is based in four pillars: produce publications, organize
seminars, conferences and expert panels, develop a website
and provide contents to it and interact with European organizations
and agencies which are related to agriculture and rural
The team also made study visits to several farms in the
province, where they could directly know experiences related
to agriculture and innovation. The tour started in the dairy
farm of Casa Anxel
and the association Cabana of intensive dairy farmers; both
of them located in A Pastoriza municipality. Finally, the
field visit ended in Veiga de Luaces in the municipality
of Pol, where Beealia
breeds part of its local Lamb and Kid flock.
More information related to the event:
The Service Point of the European Innovation Partnership of the European Commission meets this week in the Casa do Saber in Lugo.
Welcome to the Vice-Rectory in Lugo to the members of the Service Point from the European Innovation Partnership of the European Commission.
More information about EIP-AGRI:
The European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI),
which is being developed by the General Directorate of Agriculture
and Rural Development of the European Commission has as
a main target the creation of multi-actor thematic networks
which serve as a meeting point for farmers, advisors, researchers,
industry, NGOs and other actors. In these networks, different
actors can express their needs and share their ideas and
knowledge. As a result, this interchange leads to building
innovative solutions that may be easily put to practice.
With this aim, the Service Point team organizes and facilitates
many events (workshops, focus groups, seminars), where it
is intended to improve communication, knowledge interchange
as well as to identify needs for research from different
With more tan thirty events organized in the last two years,
EIP-AGRI has recently launched a call for three new Focus Groups
(Submissions up to 7 September). Topics of the groups are:
- Mixed farming systems: livestock/cash crops
- Benchmarking of farm productivity and sustainability performance
- Reducing emissions from cattle farming