Lab. do Territorio / Publicacións / Capítulo de libro

Publicada por Lab. Territorio

Challenges in collective action for natural resource management: A study of common property regimes in the municipality of Guitiriz (Northwest of Spain)

Corbelle Rico, Eduardo , Crecente Maseda, Rafael , , Ónega López, Quico ,
Corbelle, E., Crecente, R., Tubío, J. M., Ónega, F. (1 ene 2010); Challenges in collective action for natural resource management: A study of common property regimes in the municipality of Guitiriz (Northwest of Spain); Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity in Socio-ecological Production Landscapes. Background to the Satoyama Initiative for the Benefit of Biodiversity and Human Well-Being. Technical Series #52. ISBN 978-84-9887-343-6; Montreal; vol 52; pp.157-162