Lab. do Territorio / Publicacións / Artigo JCR

Publicada por Lab. Territorio

An open source GIS-based Planning Support System: Application to the land use plan of La Troncal, Ecuador: An open source GIS-based planning support system

, Boullón Magán, Marcos , , Miranda Barrós, David ,
Inés Santé, Natalia Pacurucu, Marcos Boullón, Andrés Manuel García, David Miranda (1 dic 2016); An open source GIS-based Planning Support System: Application to the land use plan of La Troncal, Ecuador: An open source GIS-based planning support system; ISSN 1361-1682 // DOI 10.1111/tgis.12223; Transactions in GIS; vol 20 (6); pp.976-990