The Land Lab will start working on a new EIEL edition, after the collaboration agreement between the University of Santiago de Compostela and the Deputación de Lugo was signed last Thursday (16th of November 2021). This EIEL 2021 edition, will encompass all changes in local facilities in Province of Lugo municipalities with less than 50.000 inhabitants in 2020 and 2021. This edition will be biannual according to the Guidelines from the GT-EIEL of the Ministerio de Política Territorial y Función Pública.
This edition will also encompass information from more than 5.000 settlements of the province of Lugo, thanks to the enlargement made in past four editions, doubling the number of settlements and the coverage of the survey of previous editions.
Also, a Course in SIG will be delivered to municipal technicians, keeping up the commitment of LaboraTe and Deputación de Lugo to spread SIG technologies among municipalities and to foster their use in their daily work.
Finally, the LaboraTe will maintain his commitment in making land analysis and indicators to provide information about local facilities in the province to the public.
Related links:
EIEL Website
Diputación de Lugo New