Lab. do Territorio / News

Publicada por Lab. Territorio

New entrants in the framework of changing rural territories and their adaptation to the different crisis and political and socio-economic trends

From November 6th to 8th, the XIV CIER took place in Coimbra bringing together sociology, economics and rural demography researchers, from the Iberian countries and Latin America. The main discussions included topics such as: comparision of agricultural policies in both continents; food security and sovereignty from a wide spectrum of perspectives; tourism and cultural mediation in rural environments; family farming, etc.
Guillermina Fernández Villar had the opportunity to participate by presenting the results of her Master's Thesis - data included in the work of the recently finalised Terractiva Operational Group, participated by the Land Lab. Her communication highlighted the potential relevance of new entrants in agriculture, suggested as a complement or alternative to the classic family generational renewal, successively contributing to the rest of communications linked to the generational renewal dynamics in the agricultural sector.
More info at the conference website.
Fernández Villar, G., Pérez Fra, M. do M., Ónega López, F. J., & Corbelle-Rico, E. (2024, noviembre 15). New entrants in Galicia: what is their role in the future of agriculture?. XIV Congreso Ibero-Latinoamericano de Estudios Rurales (CIER2024), Coimbra (Portugal). Laborate (USC).