Lab. do Territorio / News

Publicada por Lab. Territorio

Rural land use planning in Galicia and the Inventory of agricultural and forestry land as an essential tool for agricultural and forestry productivity preservation

At the “I Meeting on Spatial Planning. Spatial Planning in Galicia: Assessment and Challenges” organized by the Economic Forum of Galicia on November 8th, Inés Santé participated in the panel ‘What is society demanding to the territory?’ where she highlighted the need to advance in rural land planning with instruments, such as the integrated territorial plans, which provide an integral and holistic planning of supra-municipal areas.

In addition, it was emphasized the need for rural land planning by means of a spatial planning instrument specific for agroforestry land, and which provides legal security for the development of these activities, such as the Inventory of agricultural and forestry land introduced by Law 11/2021 for recovery of farmland of Galicia. This Inventory is defined as the framework instrument for planning and management of agricultural and forestry land uses throughout the Galician territory, in such a way that it will prevail over urban planning in rustic land. This instrument proposes a comprehensive planning of agroforestry land uses on the basis of a technical analysis of the land suitability for each land use, in order to protect high productive land, to increase utilized agricultural area, to improve efficiency of agroforestry activities and simultaneously to avoid landscape destructuring  and to minimize the risk of forest fires by means of an appropriate zoning.
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