Guimarey Fernández, Beatriz

Bea Guimarey is Forestry Engineer and has a Master in Sustainable Land Planning by the Univ. of Santiago de Compostela. At the same institution she works on the Land Laboratory and Territorial Information System (SIT) in projects related to Geographical Information Systems and remote sensing techniques. Concerning such technologies, she's specialised in 3D modeling and analysis of data captured mainly by terrestrial laser scanner, but also microdrone and ground penetrating radar. She applies this background in the SIT training program, organising and teaching in courses for the members of the USC, but also for public administration and private companies.


Since 2015 she is also research officer of the EIP-AGRI Service Point (Dir. Gral. Agriculture - European Commission). Her main duties involve organization and facilitation of events (Focus groups, workshops and seminars) related to Agriculture and Rural Development, communication and interaction with Research institutions and platforms, and developing contents for publication.


Further detail:





Proxecto SIGN-II. Infraestructura de Datos Espaciais para o Territorio Rural de Galiza-Norte de Portugal

Caracterización dos procesos de repoboación forestal posteriores á entrada de Galicia na Unión Europea

Láser-escáner y modelos 3D. Las nuevas tecnologías al servicio de una mejor comprensión del Balneario romano de Lugo

Nuevas tecnologías para la puesta en valor del Patrimonio Cultural de la Reserva de la Biosfera Terras do Miño

Preserving the Roman Wall of Lugo (Spain) with terrestrial laser scanner

Desarrollo de biomasa en dos Ericáceas y su relación con la edad

Gis aplicado a estudios de arqueometría cerámica como aportación novedosa

Emprego das novas tecnoloxías para facilitar o acceso do alumnado a un Máster da USC

The burial site of Devesa do Rei (Vedra, A Coruña, NW Iberian Peninsula)

Técnicas SIG para el modelado del tránsito humano y de mercancías en la antigüedad